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Ghost bar rests in multistaff scores

From: Maurizio Tomasi
Subject: Ghost bar rests in multistaff scores
Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2004 14:39:53 +0100

In the following example, a ghost bar rest appears in the second bar
on the second staff.

\version "2.1.2"

\include "paper16.ly"

\score {
        \new StaffGroup <<

            \new Staff <<
                \notes \relative c' {
                    c1 \grace b8 c1

            \new Staff <<
                \notes \relative c' {
                    R1 c1
                    % Change this to "R1 \grace s8 c1" to solve the problem.

   \paper { }

A simple solution is to add a fake grace note at the beginning of the
second staff, as shown above.  Documentation already warns about this,
but it could do it in a clearer way: for instance, it says nothing
about the "full rest" problem (if you change "R1" with "r1", the ghost
rest disappears).


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