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lyrics in 2.1.5

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: lyrics in 2.1.5
Date: Mon, 5 Jan 2004 21:10:38 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.5.4

I love this new lyrics spacing engine! Everything looks a lot better now. But 
it can still be further improved:

Watch the following example, using 2.1.5. The "komm," lyric is placed too much 
to the left; I can see no reason why it should intersect with the barline. 
See the attached dvi.

\version "2.1.5"

Voice = \notes \relative c'' {
  \time 6/8
  \property Voice.autoBeaming = ##f
  c4 c8   c[ b] c |
  a4 r8 r4 a8 |
  d[ f] d   b[ a] b |

Lyr = \context Lyrics \lyrics {
  lie -- be Zi -- ther, komm,
  du Freun -- din stil -- ler

Mand = \notes \relative c'' {
  e,16 c' g' c, e, c' e, c' g' c, e, c' |
  f,8 << { f8[ f] f4} {c'8 c c4} {a'8 a a4}>> r8 |
  f,16 d' a' d, f, d' g, d' b' d, g, d' |

\score {
  \context StaffGroup <<
      \context Staff = Voice \Voice
      \context Lyrics \Lyr
    \context Staff = Mandolin \Mand
  \paper {}

Attachment: score.dvi.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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