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Re: LilyPond 2.3.9

From: Mats Bengtsson
Subject: Re: LilyPond 2.3.9
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 17:04:45 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

Thanks for the quick fix of parser.yy.

Next bug, the short options are printed with their ASCII value
instead of the character:

$$>lilypond -h
Usage: lilypond-bin [OPTIONS]... FILE...

Typeset music and/or produce MIDI from FILE.

LilyPond produces beautiful music notation.
For more information, see http://lilypond.org

  -101, --evaluate=EXPR   set options, use -e '(ly:option-usage)' for help
  -102, --format=EXT      select back-end to use
  -104, --help            print this help
  -72, --header=FIELD     write header field to BASENAME.FIELD
  -73, --include=DIR      add DIR to search path
  -105, --init=FILE       use FILE as init file
  -109, --no-paper        produce MIDI output only
  -111, --output=FILE     write output to FILE
  -112, --preview         generate a preview
      --png               generate PNG
      --ps                generate PostScript
      --dvi               generate DVI
      --pdf               generate PDF (default)
      --tex               generate TeX
  -115, --safe-mode       run in safe mode
  -118, --version         print version number
  -86, --verbose          be verbose
  -119, --warranty        show warranty and copyright

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