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Re: Slur-staccato

From: Erik Sandberg
Subject: Re: Slur-staccato
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 22:54:25 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.2

Added the following to bug CVS as slur-staccato.ly

%Antti Kaihola <address@hidden>

\header {texidoc = "
It seems that there's still room for improvement in the slur algorithm
when spacing gets tight and short slurs have to travel a large interval
and end near a staccato dot. In the example below, thirds and fourths
look nice, but on bigger jumps the end of the slur goes beyond the
staccato dot and too high.
reportedin = "2.3.17"
\version "2.3.17"

\score {
    \relative c' {
        d 4 ( f -.) f2        |
        c 4 ( f -.) f2        |
        b,4 ( f'-.) a,( f'-.) |
        c 4 ( g'-.) g-. g -.  |
        a,  ( g'-.) g-. g-.   |
        b,  ( g'-.) f-. d -.  |
        e8  ( f g f) e2       |
        e8  ( f g f) e2       |

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