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[doc] hint about currentBarNumber

From: Maurizio Tomasi
Subject: [doc] hint about currentBarNumber
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:25:07 +0200 (CEST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.2

I would add a short example to section 5.15.4 of the Lilypond User Manual
which shows how to set currentBarNumber properly.  More than once I
wrongly set currentBarNumber without specifying "Staff":

\set currentBarNumber = #30

instead of the correct:

\set Staff.currentBarNumber = #30

(forgetting "Staff" causes trouble when writing multipart music).

Changing the current bar number is useful when one wants to follow the
numeration of some edition which count alternative bars at the end of
repeats differently from Lilypond, for instance.


Maurizio Tomasi
Via Newton, 6
24126 Bergamo
tomasi <at> catholic <dot> org

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