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one-line percussion staff: bar rest on and not under!

From: Antti Kaihola
Subject: one-line percussion staff: bar rest on and not under!
Date: Wed, 01 Dec 2004 17:27:49 +0200

Here's my single staff line example again. There's an R1 there, and the
bar rest symbol floats above the staff line instead of hanging from it
as it should.

\context StaffGroup <<
    \new DrumStaff \with { \override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1 }
    \drummode { mar2 mar | R1 | \repeat volta 2 { mar2 mar | } }
    \new Staff \relative { c4 d e f | g a b c | \repeat volta 2 { b a g f } }

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