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Re: \set fontSize ignored?

From: Paul Scott
Subject: Re: \set fontSize ignored?
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2005 11:24:33 -0700
User-agent: Debian Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20050116)

address@hidden wrote:

I'm trying to typeset some optional notes a bit smaller.
But Lily seems to ignore the font change size in this context.

Here's a sample:

Bassus = \relative c {
<< bes'2 { \context Voice = "foo" \set fontSize = #-5 g \unset fontSize } >> f4 d |

Tenor = \relative c' {
         d2 c4 d |

\score {
  \context Staff { \clef "F" <<
    \context Voice = Tenor {\voiceOne\Tenor}
    \context Voice = Bass {\voiceTwo\Bassus}
You don't mention what version but my current definition for cue notes (similar to what you are doing?) is:

cueOn = {
 \set Staff.fontSize = #-1
 \override Stem  #'length = #5.5
 \override Beam  #'thickness = #0.384
 \override Beam  #'space-function =
 #(lambda (beam mult) (* 0.8 (Beam::space_function beam mult)))
cueOff = {
      \unset Staff.fontSize
      \unset Stem \unset Beam

so "Staff. " may be what you need to add. Or maybe "Score.". This has worked with several versions and currently works with 2.4.2.


Paul Scott

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