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collision of latin and non-latin text

From: Markian Hlynka
Subject: collision of latin and non-latin text
Date: Fri, 4 Nov 2005 15:51:42 -0700

Hi, I'm going to repeat part of what I posted to lilypond-user because I described it better there:

I'm inputting cyrillic text. I've noticed that if cyrillic and latin text coincide in the same block, they collide in a mess. Is this a known problem? Basically if I write:

 title = "<cyrillic> <latin> <cyrillic>"

where the bits in <> are some of each type of text (with spaces around them even!), the result on the score will be <cyri########ic> where ## indicates overlapped text. I've tried this in other places as well, always with the same result (eg composer and arranger tags). The exception is that this problem does NOT seem to occur within \lyricmode, though I haven't tested it thoroughly. \lyricmode { one -- two -- три -- four } seems to work OK.

I've attached an example, but I don't know if the list will accept it, though it's small.

Any workarounds, or confirmation of a known bug, or anything?


When arguing with an idiot, be sure they aren't doing the same.

Attachment: testlilly.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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