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lilypond-book doesn't always add \RequirePackage{graphics} version 2.7.1

From: Bernard Hurley
Subject: lilypond-book doesn't always add \RequirePackage{graphics} version 2.7.18 /ChangeLog/1.4302/Sun Nov 27 14:37:50 2005/
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 03:16:35 +0000


----------- test.lytex ---------
%% a comment
\lilypondfile {test.ly}

lilypond-book -V --psfonts test.lytex

results in the file:
----------- test.tex -----------
%% a comment
\parindent 0pt
\ifx\preLilyPondExample \undefined
\input lily-531319895-systems.tex
\ifx\postLilyPondExample \undefined

Note that RequirePackage{graphics} has not been added to the file. It
appears that the initial comment is causing the confusion. When it is
deleted the file is processed correctly. (Front ends such as LyX
generate latex code with an itial comment)

Bernard Hurley <address@hidden>

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