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Re: Glossary improvements (especially French)

From: Graham Percival
Subject: Re: Glossary improvements (especially French)
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2007 15:55:56 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061207)

Jean-Pierre Coulon wrote:
Autograph has only the meaning #1 in English.  "manuscript" means
hand written, but not from the composer's hand.
I am not aware of your meaning #2. Gardner Read employs "manuscript"
for this meaning. The French word is "autographe".

I'm not certain that I understand this, but I added "autographe" to "manuscrit".

Conjunct movement: There should be a warning sign between the first
two notes of bar #3, otherwise people can't recognize what is conjunct

Sorry, I don't understand... maybe because I've never heard of a "conjunct movement" before. (maybe it's a British music term? It certainly isn't used in North America..._

Contrepoint: can't you improve the collisions of polyphonic rests
in the example? (or remove, or center the whole rests in the bars)

You can see the input used to create this example by clicking on the picture. Please suggest another input file, or perhaps file a bug report about lilypond.

Custos: is "guidon" in French, "Notenzeiger" in German.


IMO the example would be clearer by
flushing the first line to the right, and if the second line had a
single note instead of a chord. You might want to ad a few more note
in both excerpts.

Err... could you send a new example? Again, just click on the picture to see the current input.

G clef: the right thick bar probably means LaTeX or Lilypond complains
of an extraneous space sign at the end of a command.

Sorry, I can't see a right thick bar.

meter: remove the accent from French "mesure", and simply say "mesure".
(see time signature)

I've added "mesure"; are you certain about removing the accent?

All the other changes have been made.  Thanks,
- Graham

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