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Bug in Lilypond 2.8.5

From: Charles Wilkins
Subject: Bug in Lilypond 2.8.5
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2007 04:24:12 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Dear Sirs:
    I have found a bug in lilypond 2.8.5, running on Fedora Core Linux 5
on a generic ia32 PC.  This is sort of a "corner-case" bug so I doubt
that it has been fixed in the more recent versions.

  What I am trying to do is engrave a double-dotted half note tremolo
repeat sequence of 32nd notes following an eighth note chord.  I coded
this as:

      < a' c es! a >8 \repeat "tremolo" 14 { < a c >32 e32 } |  %2

in my score.  When I compiled this sequence I got the following warning:

     /home/ninewands/fond_rec.ly:20:65: warning: barcheck failed at: 5/8
    < a' c es! a >8 \repeat "tremolo" 14 { < a, c >32 e'32 }
% 2[8][16]

  The initial e-mail I sent to this list had an attached .png file showing the
output I got from the code above but it was rejected by the list moderators and
I cannot post attachments using this interface.  I also noticed that the tremolo
beams are not detached from the half note stems, although they detach properly
from quarter note and eighth note stems.

  The following brief '.ly' file can be saved and compiled to see the problem.

Charlie Wilkins


%                                  %
%   LilyPond output generated by   %
%           "noteedit"             %
%                                  %

\version "2.8.5"

#(set-global-staff-size 16)

StaffA = \relative c' {
        \clef violin
        < a' c es! a >8 \ff \repeat "tremolo" 14 { < a, c >32 \pp e'32 } |

\score {
                        \context Staff="StaffA" \StaffA
        \layout {
                line-width = 170.000 \mm
                textheight = 250.000 \mm

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