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bug? clef takes too much space when changing both staff and clef in some

From: Wilbert Berendsen
Subject: bug? clef takes too much space when changing both staff and clef in some circumstances
Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 06:11:33 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> I'm not top posting.

When changing both staff and clef, the clef takes too much space
if there are previous notes from the same voice in that staff.
I have to place a hidden note in the staff to get the display

In the first picture the bass clef takes to much space because the
voice has already written some notes in that staff.

In the second picture the bass clef is ok.

In the third pictude the bass clef is ok, because I wrote
a hidden note to the staff before the main voice writes to
that staff.

\version "2.11.28" % git as of 22 jul 2007
\paper { ragged-right = ##t }

\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "rh" \relative c'' {
                \time 6/8
                bes16 c d
                \change Staff = lh
                \stemUp bes a g
                \change Staff = rh
                \stemDown bes c d
                \change Staff = lh
                \clef bass
                \stemUp bes, a g

        \new Staff = "lh" \relative c' {
\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "rh" \relative c'' {
                \time 6/8
                bes16 c d bes a g
                \stemDown bes c d
                \change Staff = lh
                \clef bass
                \stemUp bes, a g

        \new Staff = "lh" \relative c' {
\new PianoStaff <<
        \new Staff = "rh" \relative c'' {
                \time 6/8
                bes16 c d
                \change Staff = lh
                \stemUp bes a g
                \change Staff = rh
                \stemDown bes c d
                \change Staff = lh
                \clef bass
                \stemUp bes, a g

        \new Staff = "lh" \relative c' {
                \hideNotes g2. \unHideNotes

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