2007/12/3, Iain Archibald <address@hidden>:
Questions for vista users:
- do you have a \Documents and Settings\[username]\.fontconfig ?
- If yes, do programs need special permissions to write there?
- What happens if you change \Program Files\LilyPond\usr\etc\fonts\fonts.conf
where it says <cachedir>~/.fontconfig</cachedir>
and modify the directory? eg.
after you create a c:\bla directory, of course?
On my Vista system (with lilypond 2.10.33) there are two locations with
a 'fontconfig' directory:
Each of these locations contains files of type 'cache-2'; are these
lilypond files? If they aren't then I don't know where the data is!
They are but problaby from a previous version. Could you tell by the
timestamps? Are they regenerated if you remove them and rerun
The problem is that fontconfig keeps building the database over and
over, leading to minutes of delay on every run - are you seeing that
too? This suggests that the database files are not written, probably
due to permission issues.
The only other 'fontconfig' directory is:
c:\Program Files\Lilypond\usr\var\cache\fontconfig
and that is empty.
that is strange: they should be called .fontconfig , not fontconfig
(note leading period).
Fontconfig actually looks at the environment variable