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output collision of rhythm staff barlines on melody staff volta lines

From: fulgacian
Subject: output collision of rhythm staff barlines on melody staff volta lines
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 17:44:14 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> I'm not top posting.

%% The barlines in the rhythmstaff are in collision with the volta lines in the
%% melody staff.
%% The whole score is included as it fills the whole page.

\version "2.10.25"

\header {
  title = "Procesión leonesa"
  poet = "Do en el agujero"
  composer = "Recogido de Víctor de la Riva"
  arranger = "Transcripción de Antolín Cardeñoso"
  instrument = "Dulzaina"

\paper {
  line-width = 18.0\cm
  paper-height = 29.7\cm
  top-margin = 0.0\cm
  bottom-margin = 0.0\cm

dulzaina = {
\relative c' {
  \key f \major
    \time 7/8
      r4. r4 c8 [c]
    \repeat volta 2 {
      f8\prall\segno [e d] e4\prall d8 [c]
      d4. ~ d4 e8 [f]
      g\prall [d e] f4\prall e8 [d]
    \alternative { {c4. r4 c8 [c]} {c4. r4 a'8 [bes]} }
    c [bes a] bes4 a8 [bes]
    g4 bes8 a4 g8 [f]
    \times 2/3 {d16( e d} 
      c4) ~ c8 r e [f]
    g [d e] 
      \times 2/3 {f16( g f} 
      e8) d [e]
    c4. ~ c4 a'8 [bes]
    \times 3/4 {c8 bes a g}
      a4 g8 [f]
    \times 2/3 {d16 (e d}
      c4) ~ c8 r c [c]
    d\prall [c d] e8.\prall [f16] g8 [a]
    \times 2/3 {g16 (a g}
      f4) ~ f2 ~
    f4. ~ f2
    r4. r4 c8 [c]\segno
    \repeat volta 2 {
      f4 e8 f4 g
      a16 [a8.] g8 f4 g8 [a]
      bes4 a8 g4 a8 [bes]
      c4 d16 [e] 
        \times 2/3 {f8 (a f)}
        e8 [d]
      c4 c8 c4 a8 [bes]
      g4 c8 bes4 a8 [bes]
      g4. ~ g2 ~
      g4. r4 r4
    \alternative {{r4. r4 c8 [c]} {r4. r4 g8 [g]}}
    \times 3/4 {c8 bes a g}
      a4 g8 [f]
    \times 2/3 {d16 ~ (e ~ d}
      c4.) r8 e [f]
    g [d e]
      \times 2/3 {f16 ~ (g ~ f}
      e8) d e
    c4. r4 a'8 [bes]
    \times 3/4 {c8 bes a g}
      a4 g8 [f]
    \times 2/3 {d16 ~ (e ~ d}
      c4) ~ c8 r c [c]
    d [c d] e8. [f16] g8 [a]
    \times 2/3 {g16 ~ (a g}
      f4) ~ f2 ~
    f4. ~ f2 ~
    f4. r4 r4
    \bar "|."

  \new Staff { 
              \clef treble \dulzaina
  \new RhythmicStaff {
        { \hideNotes
          \repeat unfold 259 c8 

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