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Very very strange bug with Debian Lilypond 2.10.29

From: Emmanuel Coirier
Subject: Very very strange bug with Debian Lilypond 2.10.29
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2007 22:31:24 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)


When I try to compile a particularly file, Lilypond crashes. What is very
strange is when I add or remove a comment (or a line) anywhere in the file,
Lilypond doesn't crash anymore... The same case when I change the filename...

<address@hidden:/tmp>$ cp internationale.ily internationaleBug.ily
cp: overwrite `internationaleBug.ily'? y
<address@hidden:/tmp>$ md5sum internationale.ily
334ccea347754ae1f04c74eed0fcbdbc  internationale.ily
<address@hidden:/tmp>$ md5sum internationaleBug.ily
334ccea347754ae1f04c74eed0fcbdbc  internationaleBug.ily
<address@hidden:/tmp>$ lilypond -b eps internationale.ily
GNU LilyPond 2.10.29
Processing `internationale.ily'
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64]
Preprocessing graphical objects...Erreur de segmentation
<address@hidden:/tmp>$ lilypond -b eps internationaleBug.ily
GNU LilyPond 2.10.29
Processing `internationaleBug.ily'
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][40][48][56][64]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Writing internationaleBug-systems.tex...
Writing internationaleBug-systems.texi...
Layout output to `internationaleBug-1.eps'...
Converting to `internationaleBug-1.pdf'...
Layout output to `internationaleBug.eps'...
Converting to `internationaleBug.pdf'...

My "special" file doesn't contain many pitches, but if I remove any of them, the
bug doesn't occurs anymore...

Before considering this a bug, could you just check that my special file works
fine with newer versions of Lylipond ?

(Due to the specificity of this bug, I can't just copy/past the text here: feel
free to ask me the file)



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