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Re: Bugs

From: Valentin Villenave
Subject: Re: Bugs
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 15:43:19 +0200

2008/4/21 christophe Ferveur <address@hidden>:
> bug : cannot find file for fontconfig cache
>  it's to instal lilypond on a eepc assus. Is it possible ?
>  I'm french...

Bonjour Christophe,

there's a special mailing list for French-speaking LilyPonders:

Installing LilyPond on a EePC should be ok; can you tell us (or on the
French list) whether you're running Xandros, Windows or anything else?
Which version have you tried to run? How did you install it? etc.

V. Villenave

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