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Apparent error in the Windows welcome page instructions

From: W . M . Hamilton
Subject: Apparent error in the Windows welcome page instructions
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 09:53:03 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

I am an new user of LilyPond for Windows 2.12.2-1, running under Windows XP, in 
classic mode, with double-click.

After download, double-clicking the LilyPond icon on my desktop produces a 
welcome page.

On this page, the line numbered "2." appears to me to give incorrect 
information.  It currently reads "Pick it up from the desktop with your mouse 
pointer, drag and drop it onto the LilyPond icon."  This action for me had no 

I was close to giving up in frustration, but after some experimentation, it 
seems to me likely the instruction might instead read "Right-click on the 
ensuing test.ly icon or directory-listing, and from the resulting menu, 
select 'Generate PDF'."  Although I am no expert, it is my understanding that 
this should work on all your indicated versions of Windows, in all their modes.

Your aims are indeed lofty, ambitious, and complex, and your means surely but 
modest;  I suppose it is a miracle that anything works.  Thank you for your 

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