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Re: Issue 961 in lilypond: Þrows error upon using character combination

From: Ian Hulin
Subject: Re: Issue 961 in lilypond: Þrows error upon using character combination !} in ðe closing part of a lyrics block.
Date: Wed, 06 Jan 2010 13:19:12 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv: Gecko/20091204 Lightning/1.0b1pre Thunderbird/3.0

þank you very much for your report, complete wið ðe interesting Anglo-Saxon/Icelandic proposed spelling reform!. In fact, Lilypond gave you a *warning* saying it didn't understand what you wanted when you coded \addlyrics { Jesus in deiner Geburt!}
> Silent Night.tex:37:172: warning: Brace found at end of lyric. Did you
> forget a space?
A warning from software generally means that the program can cope with your code, but it can only do so by making assumptions if it continues, which may not be what you had intended.

Also the second error "unexpected \addlyrics error results from the assumptions Lily made when handling the code it just warned you about.

What do you actually want by reporting this problem?
Would you like Lilypond to catch the potential problem when parsing your file and
say something like the following

Silent Night.ly:37:8 error: syntax error: unterminated lyrics argument for \addlyrics, could not detect separate closing '}' character
and then stop the compilation?


Ian Hulin

On 06/01/10 10:55, address@hidden wrote:
Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 961 by amuraivel: Þrows error upon using character combination
!} in ðe closing part of a lyrics block.

Ðis error is repeatable on my machine, and a simple work around is a
space between ! }, but
average users won't þink of ðis.

===SOURCE ===
Schla- fe in himm- li- scher Ru- h!}

Silent Night.tex:37:8: error: syntax error, unexpected \addlyrics

\addlyrics{ Sti- l- le Nacht! Hei- li- ge Nacht! Got- tes Sohn, o wie
lacht Lieb' aus deinem
göttlichen Mund, Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'. Jesus in deiner
Silent Night.tex:37:172: warning: Brace found at end of lyric. Did you
forget a space?
\addlyrics{ Sti- l- le Nacht! Hei- li- ge Nacht! Got- tes Sohn, o wie
lacht Lieb' aus deinem
göttlichen Mund, Da uns schlägt die rettende Stund'. Jesus in deiner

Silent Night.tex:40:8: error: syntax error, unexpected \midi

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