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Re: 2.13.32 not honouring margins and staves going off page

From: James Bailey
Subject: Re: 2.13.32 not honouring margins and staves going off page
Date: Sun, 5 Sep 2010 08:33:06 +0200

On Sep 5, 2010, at 5:31 AM, Carl Sorensen wrote:

> On 9/4/10 5:07 PM, "Nick Payne" <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I haven't been able to reproduce this behaviour with a small example,
>> but I'm getting some staves in a score where lilypond tries to fit too
>> many bars and the stave goes past the margin and off the right-hand edge
>> of the page, and others where the the right-hand barline is at the
>> correct margin but notes go past the barline. I don't know if this png
>> showing three staves is too large to make it to the mailing list, but it
>> shows the problem. I put a png of that entire page at
>> http://www.users.on.net/~njpayne/music/bwv-1004_4-page1.png, along with
>> the two ly source files
>> (http://www.users.on.net/~njpayne/music/bwv-1004_4.ly &
>> http://www.users.on.net/~njpayne/music/guitar.ly). Two of the five pages
>> in the score have this problem.
> This is probably the same bug as 1229.  Notes on leger lines with stems
> pointing away from the staff are apparently not considered as part of the
> staff when considering x-extent.
> Thanks,
> Carl

I don't think so. Looking at the output and the warnings generated:
warning: couldn't fit music on page: overflow is 1.795440
warning: couldn't fit music on page: overflow is 0.221693

This looks like far worse, plus, there are no ledger lines involved. And, since 
I apparently had nothing better to do on a Sunday morning, I discovered that 
the enlarged staff is the culprit:
\version "2.13.32"

\include "english.ly"
\include "guitar.ly"

trebleFour = \relative c' {
   \fingering \fu \sfu \snu \slurDown \arpeggioBracket
   \repeat volta 2 {
      \partial 8 <a-3-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.5 . -0.7)\3>8 |
      \string "4" #0 #UP #'(0.25 . -0.75) #7 #0.5 <d,-1>\startTextSpan( 
<f-4>)\stopTextSpan <a-3> 
         <d-0>( <e-1>) <f-2> e-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(-0.5 . 
0)^\markup\small\upright { CII }
         <g-4>16( <f-2>) <e-1>( <d-0>) <cs-3>8( <a-0>) <e-4> |
      <cs-1>( <e-4>) <a-0> <e'-1>( <f-2>) <g-4> <f-2> <a-3>16( <g-1>) \string 
"2" #0 #UP #'(0.25 . -0.75) #7 #0.5
         <f-4>\startTextSpan( <e-3>) <d-1>8\stopTextSpan( <a-0>) <f-0> |
      \fd r \stemNeutral \string "2" #0 #UP #'(0.25 . -0.75) #7 #0.5 
<f'-2>16\startTextSpan <e-1>\stopTextSpan <d-3\3>
         <f-2\2> <bf-3> <a-1> \string "2" #0 #UP #'(0.25 . -0.75) #7 #0.5 
<g-4>\startTextSpan <f-2> <e-1>\stopTextSpan
         <d-3> \stemll \hbarre "VII" "3" #0 #UP #'(0 . -1) #7 #0.5 \steml 
<c-1>\startTextSpan <d-3> <e-1\2> <d-3>
         \steml <c-1> <e-1> <a-1> <g-4> <f-2> <e-1> <d-3> \guide #1 #1 #'(0 . 
-1.4) <c-1>\glissando\stopTextSpan |
      \hbarre "V" "3" #0 #UP #'(0 . -1) #7 #0.5 <bf-1>\startTextSpan <c-3> 
<d-1> <c-3> <bf-1> <d-1> <g-1> <f-4> <e-3>
         <d-1> <cs-4> <b-2>\stopTextSpan \hbarre "IV" "3" #0 #UP #'(0 . -1) #7 
#0.5 <a-1>-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0 . -0.7)
         \startTextSpan <b-3> <cs-1> <b-3> <a-1> <cs-1> <e-4> <d-2> <cs-1> 
<b-3\3>\stopTextSpan <a-0> <g-1\3> |

bassFour = \relative d, {

middleFour = \relative d' {
   \fingering \fl \hideNotes \arpeggioBracket
   \partial 8 s8 |
   s2. \ignct <e a,-1 a,>2.-\tweak #'extra-offset #'(0.8 . 0)\arpeggio |
   \repeat unfold 3 { s1. } |

%%%   The staff size change is the problem
#(set-global-staff-size 25.5)

\score {
   \transpose d e
   \context Staff = guitar {
      \clef "treble_8"
      \key d \minor
      \time 12/8
      \tempo "Allegro"
      \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t
      #(set-accidental-style 'modern)
         \context Voice = "1" { \voiceOne \trebleFour }
         \context Voice = "2" { \voiceTwo \bassFour }
         \context Voice = "4" { \voiceFour \middleFour }
   \layout { }

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