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Re: slurs and ties confuse note separation

From: Keith OHara
Subject: Re: slurs and ties confuse note separation
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 22:36:11 -0800
User-agent: Opera Mail/11.00 (Win32)

On Mon, 24 Jan 2011 16:00:39 -0800, Neil Puttock <address@hidden> wrote:

On 19 January 2011 06:53, Keith OHara <address@hidden> wrote:
% Note spacing should allow for accidentals and articulations
% Usually it does, but slurs and ties can cause errors

\version "2.12.3" % same in 2.13.46
{ g''8( c''\espressivo geses'' b''') }

Hmm, tricky.  The espressivo script has an 'avoid-slur setting of
'around, but the offset estimation calculated by
ly:slur::pure-outside-slur-callback only produces vaguely sensible
offsets when it's set to 'outside.

I can see how the decision on which whether to place the espressivo avoid above 
or below the slur depends on the shape of the slur, which depends on note 
spacing, which depends on whether the double flat conflicts with the 
espressivo, which depends on where the espresssivo is placed ...

This was really rare in 2.12.3, and is the main reason I am encouraging we 
restore the old default extra-spacing-height, at least for now.  That tiny 
extra clearance requirement prevents folding accidentals above notes in 
close-call situations, which situations seem rather common actually.

It was difficult to find the example above that fails in 2.12.3, while some 
innocent-looking combinations have collisions in the current 2.13.46 { g''8( 
c''-> geses'' a'') }.

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