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RE: Lilypond not working on Win7 sp1

From: James Lowe
Subject: RE: Lilypond not working on Win7 sp1
Date: Tue, 22 Mar 2011 11:40:40 +0000

Robbie (and Bugsquad!)

)-----Original Message-----
)From: address@hidden
)[mailto:address@hidden On
)Behalf Of Robbie Rousseau
)Sent: 22 March 2011 00:07
)To: address@hidden
)Subject: Re: Lilypond not working on Win7 sp1
)The first line works just fine. But the second line throws the same error. In
)my existing LP files it's failing when I use the \ChordNames markup. If I
)just use \chordmode it works, but not when I start using the ChordNames


Thanks for the clarification, it is more than just \ChordNames - in my case it 
was when I used \sans but also some other specific markups that I was unable to 
precisely define (\sans was the simplest to report)

I had opened this as a bug


However when I tried to reproduce this on a clean install I could not and I 
thought I was going mad,  but it was only when you said 'SP'1 that a light went 
on in my head! 

I had forgotten that I had installed SP1 on these two machines a few weeks back 
(I had the RC1 installed), I have literally just finished installing the 
released version of SP1 on my clean installations and have indeed reproduced 
this with my simple example

I also get

# -*-compilation-*-
Processing `C:/Users/dcsw/Desktop/blah.ly.ly'
Interpreting music... 
Preprocessing graphical objects...
Finding the ideal number of pages...
Fitting music on 1 page...
Drawing systems...
Layout output to `/Users/dcsw/Desktop/blah.ly.ps'...
Converting to `/Users/dcsw/Desktop/blah.ly.pdf'...
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -r1200 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite 
-sOutputFile=/Users/dcsw/Desktop/blah.ly.pdf -c.setpdfwrite 
-f/Users/dcsw/Desktop/blah.ly.ps)' failed (1)
error: failed files: "C:\\Users\\dcsw\\Desktop\\blah.ly.ly"

So the issue is with Windows 7 SP1 specifically rather than a LP bug - it maybe 
GhostScript incompatibility but I don't have the skills to easily debug this.

Could we re-open this Tracker with an appropriate priority (it may no longer be 
build critical)?


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