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Re: Issue 1548 in lilypond: midi output should map voices to channels

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1548 in lilypond: midi output should map voices to channels
Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2011 06:26:58 +0000

Comment #5 on issue 1548 by jan.nieuwenhuizen: midi output should map voices to channels

Having voices mapped to channels would be ideal from a musical pov and this is what
the first implementation (8dc343b) did.
Now, it can be selected by setting #midiChannelMapping = #'voice.
The problem with this setting is that most midi players/devices
allow only one instrument setting per channel, per midi file (at a
certain time).  In theory, this can be fixed by playing each staff
to it's own track and port, this is what #'voice does, but most
midi players ignore that too.

In short; this issue had better be named: LilyPond should make
voices in midi output distinguishable.

In the current default, voices are mapped to tracks.  This accomodates
the midi2ly problem while retaining good midi playback.

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