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Re: Issue 1471 in lilypond: accidentals after a clef change are not prin

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1471 in lilypond: accidentals after a clef change are not printed
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 00:02:04 +0000

        Labels: -Patch-review Patch-needs_work

Comment #11 on issue 1471 by percival.music.ca: accidentals after a clef change are not printed

In light of the confusion about call_context_property_on_children (), and the lack of a rietveld issue, I'm moving this to patch-needs_work.

David, even though the patch is in git, would it be possible to upload it to rietveld anyway? I find it much easier to comment on specific parts of code when there's the web interface. (I personally probably don't know enough to comment in this one, but it would probably be much easier for Neil to be able to add psuedocode solutions this way)

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