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Issue 1626 in lilypond: Atriculate produces faulty barcheck warnings

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 1626 in lilypond: Atriculate produces faulty barcheck warnings
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 15:16:48 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Scripts Priority-Medium

New issue 1626 by address@hidden: Atriculate produces faulty barcheck warnings

Reported by Helge Hafting

Using articulate.ly and the \mark command causes barcheck failures even
when there is no fault in the music - as this file demonstrates.

Remove the \mark, and there is no failure. Or drop articulate.ly,
and there is no failure. With both, there is a failure.

This makes bar checks (and parallel music) less interesting, because
of the wrong warnings.

\version "2.13.60"

music = \relative c' {\mark "Andante."  c4 c c c | }

\include "articulate.ly"
\score {

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