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Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website buil

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1635 in lilypond: clean up misleading warnings in website build
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 2011 22:32:00 +0000

Comment #2 on issue 1635 by percival.music.ca: clean up misleading warnings in website build

Given the number of warnings that extract_text_filenames.py produces, I'm not certain that it's worth looking at this as a bib problem. Bottom line: do you see any missing bib information on the website? If nothing's missing, then I don't think that we should add a creation rule.

I think the problem is either a broken extract_text_filenames.py, or a broken makefile rule that calls that script. I don't know offhand what extract_text_filenames is trying to do, so IMO that would be the first thing to investigate. What is it supposed to do? Why is that useful/necessary for the website build? Is it successfully doing what it's supposed to do, and if so, those warnings seem to serve no purpose?

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