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Re: Issue 1615 in lilypond: lily-git.tcl not working: savannah no longer

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1615 in lilypond: lily-git.tcl not working: savannah no longer likes git fetch --depth
Date: Mon, 02 May 2011 13:27:02 +0000

Comment #3 on issue 1615 by percival.music.ca: lily-git.tcl not working: savannah no longer likes git fetch --depth

mao, so it's some intermittent thing. (I'm seeing about 10% success from both university and home, but apparently most other people aren't having problems)

For the record, this report comes from:
in which Janek and Colin (and me) reported problems with lily-git.tcl

sigh. I'll add a warning to the CG, but I guess that's all we can do, at least with our current level of git knowledge.

for the record, lilydev currently uses git

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