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Issue 1643 in lilypond: Part Combine problems

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 1643 in lilypond: Part Combine problems
Date: Wed, 04 May 2011 11:28:47 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 1643 by address@hidden: Part Combine problems

I have found an issue with the \partcombine tool, but I am not quite
sure whether it is a definite bug or one of the "various" limitations
it has. If one starts a tie, slur, crescendo hairpin or other such
while in one "mode" of \partcombine (\partcombineChords,
\partcombineApart, \partcombineUnisono, etc.) and then switches to
another before the tie, slur or crescendo hairpin is complete,
Lilypond prints a warning about unterminated ____ and does not print
it. The following source code triggers the bug:

\version "2.13.60"

FlautoI = \relative c''{ \partcombineChords c2~ \partcombineApart c }
FlautoII = \relative c''{ \partcombineChords b2\< \partcombineApart b\! }

\relative c''{
      \partcombine \FlautoI \FlautoII

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