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ppp on harmonics is too close to the bar line than normal notes

From: Marc Mouries
Subject: ppp on harmonics is too close to the bar line than normal notes
Date: Sat, 14 May 2011 18:49:07 -0400

When a note is defined as an harmonic it creates a side effect on the position 
of dynamics.
 In this example, when the note D is a normal note the ppp does not touch the 
bar line however when it is an harmonic it does touch.

PNG image

%% When a note is defined as an harmonic it creates a side effect on the 
position of dynamics.
%% In this example, when the note D is a normal note the ppp does not touch the 
bar line however when it is an harmonic it does touch.
\version "2.13.61"
\language "english"

#(set-global-staff-size 24)

violinOne = \relative c'' { 
        | d1
        | d,1\ppp 
        | <d\harmonic>1\ppp

violinTwo = { d'1 d'1 d'1}

\score {
  \new StaffGroup <<
    \new Staff << \violinOne >>
    \new Staff << \violinTwo >>
  \layout { }
  \midi { }

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