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Re: Issue 1562 in lilypond: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.1

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1562 in lilypond: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.13.53) fails to compile
Date: Wed, 18 May 2011 13:10:17 +0000

Comment #8 on issue 1562 by address@hidden: using \sans on Windows gives 'gs' error (2.13.53) fails to compile

I encounter the same issue with the lilypond file: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ly_au_clair_de_la_lune_accords_melodie_paroles.png

If i comment the part with the chord the pdf will be generated propertly otherwise it will be blank and the log will contain a ghostscript error.

On Windows SP1
this compiles = { a b c d^\markup { \bold "hello" } }
while this does not = this compiles = { a b c d^\markup { \sans "hello" } }

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