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Vertical spacing: undesired figured bass stretching

From: Nicolas Sceaux
Subject: Vertical spacing: undesired figured bass stretching
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 09:23:57 +0200


Here is a problem I face, and for which I could not find a workaround.

LilyPond version is current git (it says 2.15.0).

This is a regression compared to 2.12 series, where figures are not stretched
(as someone reported, I've not tested it myself).


Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Nicolas Sceaux <address@hidden>
> Date : 7 mai 2011 17:55:23 HAEC
> À : LilyPond User <address@hidden>
> Objet : undesired figured bass stretching
> Hi,
> When forcing the staves spacing using
>  \overrideProperty #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn"
>  #'line-break-system-details = #'((alignment-distances . (...)))
> figured bass digits are stretched, whereas they shall be tightly stacked.
> I can't find how to avoid this strange behavior.  Is there a way?
> Here is a minimal example:
> \score {
> <<
>   \new Staff {
>     \overrideProperty #"Score.NonMusicalPaperColumn"
>     #'line-break-system-details #'((alignment-distances . (15)))
>     c'4
>   }
>   \new Staff <<
>     { d'4 }
>     \figures { <6 4>4 } >> >>
> }

PNG image

> Nicolas

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