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Issue 1669 in lilypond: Empty contexts sometimes take up too much space

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 1669 in lilypond: Empty contexts sometimes take up too much space
Date: Fri, 27 May 2011 18:43:21 +0000

Status: Started
Owner: address@hidden
Labels: Type-Collision Priority-Low

New issue 1669 by address@hidden: Empty contexts sometimes take up too much space

% When the first Dynamics line is empty, the second line gets placed at twice
% the minimum distance to the staff.
% This is very rare, because the contexts likely to be empty for a line, but
% not completely removed for that line, do not have a minimum-distance by default
\version "2.13.61"
#(set-default-paper-size "a7")
\paper { indent = 0 }
\score { <<
  \new Staff \relative c'' { \clef alto c1 \break c \break c \break }
  \new Dynamics { s1\mp s s\mp }
  \new Dynamics { s1\sustainOn s\sustainOn s\sustainOn }
  %{%} >>
\layout { \context { \Dynamics
   \override VerticalAxisGroup #'nonstaff-relatedstaff-spacing
   #'stretchability = 0  % alternatively, #'minimum-distance = 4

        1669.png  6.5 KB

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