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Re: \midi plays straight through repeat marks

From: Michael Hendry
Subject: Re: \midi plays straight through repeat marks
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2011 13:03:45 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Michael Hendry <hendry.michael <at> gmail.com> writes:

> The following code demonstrates the fault. The resulting midi file consists of
> twelve notes, ascending a major scale from C to G', instead of the expected
> sixteen notes.
> \version "2.12.3"
> \score {
> \repeat volta 2
> {c4 d e f}
> \alternative {
>   {g a b c'}
>   {d' e' f' g'}
> }
> \midi {}
> }

It's been pointed out to me that I hadn't read the manual thoroughly enough - I
should have used the \unfoldRepeats command.

Having accepted the rap over the knuckles, I must say that I think that the
\midi command should default to unfolded repeats.

I'm trying to think of a situation where playing the second-time ending
immediately after the first-time one would be desirable. I suppose that it would
be helpful if midi output is being used as a proof-reading assistant, to reduce
the time it takes to check the entire score.

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