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Re: Issue 163 in lilypond: huge (ugly) slur (both phrasing and normal)

From: Colin Campbell
Subject: Re: Issue 163 in lilypond: huge (ugly) slur (both phrasing and normal)
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 19:06:18 -0600
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On 11-06-22 06:52 PM, Colin Campbell wrote:

After a bit of testing, it seems that settings in \included files, however the include is done (very smooth trick, that, David!), are overridden if the tag exists in the destination file. Where a .ly file already has the tagline set, it cancels the imported one. To do this from a script will, after all, take some sed or perhaps python magic. I'll keep at it, as much for education as for the satisfaction!

In the meantime, though, does lilypond -dpreview bug.ly not work adequately?


Sorry for the noise! Mere moments after inserting my foot in my mouth, I ran across David's earlier message about needing two systems, which -dpreview doesn't provide. The irony is all the gr4eater in that I rewrote a bit of that page in the CG myself!


The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.
-- Mark Twain

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