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Re: Issue 1643 in lilypond: Part Combine problems

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1643 in lilypond: Part Combine problems
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011 16:15:36 +0000

        Status: Accepted
        Labels: -Type-Defect Type-Documentation

Comment #4 on issue 1643 by percival.music.ca: Part Combine problems

David commented:
I can't see that it invalid since the distribution into separate voices
is not specified by the user, but happens unter control of the part
combiner.  So it would be the task of the part combiner to apply the
sort of trickery demanded from users when they have to slur across

The issue might be postponed, or even wontfix, but the status "Invalid"
does not seem appropriate to me.

I agree. The issue will be "wontfix", i.e. "we will add a @knownissue making this partcombine behaviour (and resulting problem) explicit to users". Please go ahead, James.

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