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Re: Issue 1015 in lilypond: doc line width

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1015 in lilypond: doc line width
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 22:43:14 +0000

Comment #12 on issue 1015 by address@hidden: doc line width

Just some information/thoughts to add to this.

In the CG it states

• Inspirational headwords are produced with:

• LSR snippets are linked with:

Now with regard to http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1691 (Ugly bars in PDF), it seems from some experimenting that, instrument names aside, putting 'line-width=15.5\cm,' or less helps remove the ugly bars that occur on standard LP examples that are not ragged right (because they usually go over more than one line) good examples are in the Learning Manual (i.e. 2.3.2 Aligning lyrics to a melody).

By explicitly putting line-width=15.5\cm (or less), this removes the bars but seems to be not too small to preserve the layout of the staff lines.

Until this issue is solved (or unless we adopt something like adding a line-width to the @lilypond[..] variables, then I cannot see how we can reconcile 1691 where most difficulty is going to come in this area (esp with LM and snippets in the NR).

I didn't try 15.6\cm as I figured if we went this route we'd want to keep a reasonably round-ish number.

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