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Re: Issue 1706 in lilypond: Beaming causes lilypond to crash

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1706 in lilypond: Beaming causes lilypond to crash
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2011 11:59:38 +0000

        Status: Verified

Comment #6 on issue 1706 by address@hidden: Beaming causes lilypond to crash

In 2.15.3 there still are many error messages (identical to the one quoted in the original post),
but Lilypond doesn't crash anymore.
Behaviour is exactly the same as in 2.12.3

Assuming that
  s8[ s]
isn't a valid expression (one obviously can't beam an invisible break), one can mark this issue as verified.

[Does this fix has to be also applied to 2.14? And if so, does this touch the verification of the issue?]

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