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Re: \midi plays straight through repeat marks

From: Neil Puttock
Subject: Re: \midi plays straight through repeat marks
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2011 23:43:34 +0100

On 19 June 2011 16:36, Reinhold Kainhofer <address@hidden> wrote:

> Is there any current way to switch on/off expansion of the repeats in both
> scores for the midi output, other than manually prepending \unfoldRepeats in
> BOTH scores?

I had a look at this when issue #769 was created.  There are several
problems in implementing this:

1) There's no way of distinguishing between layout and midi until
ly:run-translator is invoked in score.cc;

2) unfold-repeats mutates the music, which leads to a problem if we
only want midi unfolded: when there's layout + midi there's still only
one music score (ly:run-translator is run at least twice on it,
according to the collected output definitions inside the \score block,
so if it's mutated for midi, you'll also get unfolded music in layout
if \midi { } comes first);

3) precompute-music-length (called when scorifying music via
toplevel-music-functions) interferes with chord tremolo durations if
it's called after unfold-repeats.


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