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Re: Issue 1742 in lilypond: print transposed guitar chords on piano shee

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1742 in lilypond: print transposed guitar chords on piano sheets
Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2011 22:28:37 +0000

Comment #10 on issue 1742 by percival.music.ca: print transposed guitar chords on piano sheets

no, because we have 10-ish other patches also waiting. ok, I should have picked 5 patches instead of 4, but I'm on a cheap netbook and I was bored with fighting my crappy 2cm trackpad to click through all the download patch + find out if it still applies or not.

Lesson: keep the list of patch-review in good condition. If you've got a new version of a patch, make sure it's up there. If there's any problems with a patch, move it off the patch-review list.

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