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Issue 1801 in lilypond: Clarify "\repeat unfold" in the documentation

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 1801 in lilypond: Clarify "\repeat unfold" in the documentation
Date: Thu, 04 Aug 2011 19:21:46 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Documentation Priority-Low

New issue 1801 by address@hidden: Clarify "\repeat unfold" in the documentation

As reported by Patrick Karl and discussed here:

The documentation of \repeat unfold should be clarified a little bit.
When reading (NR 1.4.1 (Long repeats) section "written-out repeats)
  "repeats can be used to simplify the writing out of repetitious music"
One can be lead to expect that the \repeat unfold construct is equivalent to write out an expression multiple times, so that (in a \relative context)
  \repeat unfold 2 { a' b c }
would be equivalent to
  { a' b c } { a' b c }
- which it isn't.

The current behaviour of LilyPond isn't in question, so it is a documentation issue. This should be clarified somehow, but unfortunately I don't see the forest for the trees and am thus momentarily unable to make a usable documentation suggestion

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