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Re: Issue 1918 in lilypond: possible bad output in mensural-ligatures.ly

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1918 in lilypond: possible bad output in mensural-ligatures.ly
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 07:39:06 +0000

        Labels: -Type-Other Type-Ugly

Comment #1 on issue 1918 by address@hidden: possible bad output in mensural-ligatures.ly

Adding this from the thread

it is a regression test, you can find it in lilypond source code
repository, directory input/regression/

However, according to Benko Pal we shouldn't worry about it:

2011/9/19 Benkő Pál <address@hidden>:
this is an impossible ligature, LilyPond should (but never did)
refuse it (with an explanation).

(note that accidentals are very rare in mensural music and
practically nonexistent within ligaturae.)



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