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Issue 2078 in lilypond: always-changing regtest: graphviz.log

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 2078 in lilypond: always-changing regtest: graphviz.log
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 11:13:15 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Maintainability Frog

New issue 2078 by address@hidden: always-changing regtest: graphviz.log

It seems that graphviz.log demonstrates an uninialized variable; the order of these keeps on changing whenever test a patch. This makes it harder to spot actual important changes.

@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
 Writing graph `#f'...digraph G {
 node [shape=rectangle]
-44 [label="caching LedgerLineSpanner.stencil\n# -> #"]
-43 [label="caching VerticalAxisGroup.stencil\n# -> #f"]
-42 [label="caching Stem.stencil\n# -> #"]
+44 [label="caching Stem.stencil\n# -> #"]
+43 [label="caching LedgerLineSpanner.stencil\n# -> #"]
+42 [label="caching VerticalAxisGroup.stencil\n# -> #f"]
 41 [label="caching Stem.Y-extent\n# -> (-2.812186 . 0.5)"]
 40 [label="caching Stem.length\n# -> 6.624372"]
 39 [label="caching Stem.stem-begin-position\n# -> -5.624372"]
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
2 [label="NoteHead\n/main/large-tmp/src-2011-12-05-02/lily/engraver.cc:60\ncause <- # 42
+41 -> 44
 40 -> 41
 39 -> 40
 38 -> 39

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