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Re: Issue 2104 in lilypond: Patch: Fix .dep file from lilypond-book when

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 2104 in lilypond: Patch: Fix .dep file from lilypond-book when include paths are involved.
Date: Fri, 16 Dec 2011 22:14:22 +0000

Comment #11 on issue 2104 by address@hidden: Patch: Fix .dep file from lilypond-book when include paths are involved.

I'm comfortable assuming that if somebody changes the directory name, they'll rebuild from scratch. For clarity, I'm not pushing for absolute paths, I just don't think this this particular reason is a concern.

Yes, the filename is displayed on the index.html page. In particular, those filenames come from the raw output of the lilypond binary. I'm not at all certain how you'd go about keeping that absolute or at least relative to the top source dir.

We have hopes of separating the 1000+ regtests into separate directories; for those we'd need more than just the basename to avoid confusion.

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