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Issue 2243 in lilypond: Incorrect subdivision of beams

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 2243 in lilypond: Incorrect subdivision of beams
Date: Sun, 22 Jan 2012 11:47:17 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Critical Regression

New issue 2243 by address@hidden: Incorrect subdivision of beams

Reported by Xavier:

Just reported on the French Users mailing list:

%%%% Snippet

%% subdivideBeams does not work anymore with 16th tuplets.
%% With 2.15.26 only the second beat is subdivided as expected.
%% Worked well with stable 2.14.2, so this is a Regression.

\version "2.15.26"

\relative c'' {
  \set subdivideBeams = ##t
  \set baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1 8)
  \set beatStructure = #'(2 2 2 2)
  \repeat unfold 8 {
    \times 2/3 { c16 e d }

PH reports that 2.15.18 is OK, the beam pattern changed by 2.15.21 and again at 2.15.24.

        SubdivideBeams.15.18.png  3.6 KB
        SubdivideBeams.15.21.png  3.5 KB
        SubdivideBeams.15.24.png  3.5 KB

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