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Re: example for portato in music-glossary shows staccato

From: Eluze
Subject: Re: example for portato in music-glossary shows staccato
Date: Sun, 06 May 2012 16:25:46 +0200
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Am 06.05.2012 15:13, schrieb Phil Holmes:
"Eluze" <address@hidden> wrote in message news:address@hidden
this is actually in the music-glossary (2.15.37):

imo (c) should be

                or even better without the slur


Were there images in the original post? I don't see any.
yes, of course (this time I did /not /forget them O:-) )

In the glossary for legato, what we have as portato is described as slurred staccato by Gould.
that what I'd call them intuitively !
She describes portato as tenuto markings and a slur over the notes.
what about a single note with tenuto (and no slur)?

quite confusing  - maybe better to leave it as it is!?

thanks for your answer!

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