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Re: strange behaviour of \layout block variable

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: strange behaviour of \layout block variable
Date: Mon, 21 May 2012 21:17:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Janek Warchoł <address@hidden> writes:

> David,
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 7:20 AM, David Kastrup <address@hidden> wrote:
>> I don't see anything wrong in the _written_ assumptions.  Perhaps the
>> misunderstanding is that you consider context definitions as independent
>> from layout blocks, and just placed syntactically inside of them for
>> some unfathomable reason.  But each layout variable (including
>> $defaultlayout) has its own set of context definitions.  You can't
>> actually _change_ context definitions using LilyPond rather than Scheme
>> code.  If you write something like
>>>   \context {
>>>     \Score
>>>     \override Hairpin #'thickness = 3
>>>   }
>> This creates a _copy_ of all definitions in the current Score context
>> def, adds an override to it, and uses the result as a new context def.
>> This new context def is then used for Score because it contains a
>> \name "Score" definition, from the copy of the original Score context
>> def.
> Thanks for the explanation!  I think i now roughly understand how it
> works.  However, i find this design somewhat confusing, and i'm
> wondering whether it would be possible to change it (if changing it is
> a good idea at all).
> Going back to what we have, i thought that defining "layoutVariable"
> in this way will solve the problem:
> layoutVariable = {
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line
>   }
> }

Uh what?  That declares layoutVariable as sequential music.  This
sequential music starts with a \context missing a name and an undefined
command called \Score, containing an \override inside.

> Interestingly, it works but issues a syntax error.

Only one syntax error?

> Surprisingly,
> layoutVariable = {
>   \override Score.Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line
> }
> (which is possible at all thanks to your work) doesn't issue any
> error, and does work.

But is anything but a layout variable.  It is an override inside of
sequential music.  You can leave off the braces so that it is only an
override, but it is still music.

> Does this mean that
>   \override Score.Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line
> is "better" than
>   \context {
>     \Score
>     \override Hairpin #'style = #'dashed-line
>   }
> when used in \layout?

No.  It means that it is music rather than a context or layout
definition.  The "problem" when storing a context or layout definition
is that you store something absolute rather than a modification.  You
_can_ store context _modifications_ into variables as well, but they
don't carry a relation to a particular context definition.

There is no "layout modification", an incremental change to layouts.
The music has the advantage of containing just the wanted modification
_and_ the target of "Score".

> Until now i thought these two were equal.

They are.  And the second form is more direct.  The first form has the
advantage that it is easier to juggle around in variables.

David Kastrup

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