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Re: Lyrics too cozy with notes

From: address@hidden
Subject: Re: Lyrics too cozy with notes
Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2012 18:40:17 +0100

On 16 déc. 2012, at 18:37, "Phil Holmes" <address@hidden> wrote:

> <address@hidden> wrote in message news:address@hidden
>> In the following example :
>> \version "2.17.9"
>> <<
>> \relative c' { g a' a r4 a1 }
>> \addlyrics { u u u u }
>> \relative c''' { r2 r32 d8.. r4 R1 }
>> I'm not convinced that the lower voice should slice through the lyrics. I'm 
>> typesetting a choral works and it looks, while sightreading, that the u in 
>> the higher voice is a sort of annotation for the lower voice (the spacing is 
>> even tighter in my real example).
>> What does real literature do?  Does this type of typesetting ever happen? I 
>> think it'd be worth it to horizontally pad skylines in Lyric contexts so 
>> that this sort of snug fitting doesn't happen.
>> Cheers,
>> MS
> I'd expect the staves to be spaced further apart to keep the upper lyrics 
> away from the lower notes.
> -- 
> Phil Holmes
> Bug Squad 

Me too - I think it's a valid bug report unless anyone has evidence to the 


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