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Re: Lyrics appear in "sans" on linux-64

From: James
Subject: Re: Lyrics appear in "sans" on linux-64
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:35:18 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:17.0) Gecko/20130803 Thunderbird/17.0.8


On 27/08/13 11:02, Mark Polesky wrote:
In case anyone is still interested in this, today I
completely cleaned out my source dir and did a `make' and
`make doc' (no `-j5' or `CPU_COUNT=5'), from scratch with
latest master:

rm -rf ~/lilypond-git/* && git reset --hard origin/master
./autogen.sh --noconfigure
mkdir build/
cd build/
make doc

...and still I get these weird sans-serif fonts in the doc
png images.  So it's clearly *not* related to the `-j' and
`CPU_COUNT' options.  I don't really need to be building LP
for the type of work that I usually do, but it is a little
disappointing that I couldn't create a proper release if I
wanted to.  I also find it strange that others with a very
similar system (Ubuntu 64bit) do not have this problem.

I don't think I compiled LP last since 2.13.12 or so, but if
I ever track down a specific regression point, I'll be sure
to post it here.

- Mark

bug-lilypond mailing list
And just because I couldn't find if you had checked, did you look in the output when you run ../config in case there is some warning or message that you are missing that might indicate something is missing or not at a correct version etc.

It may have nothing to do with what is in lilypond-git but the 'other' software you have installed currently that we require.

What version of gs are you using? There was an issue I believe with Raring Ringtail that David found that had to do with GS, but this manifested itself in an error than a weird thing like this.

I am just clutching at straws here mind.


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