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Re: [LSR v2.18] "Forcing systems to fill the whole page" does not work.

From: Thomas Morley
Subject: Re: [LSR v2.18] "Forcing systems to fill the whole page" does not work.
Date: Sun, 16 Feb 2014 00:05:11 +0100

2014-02-15 18:06 GMT+01:00 Pierre Perol-Schneider
> Dear Squad,
> This snippet :
> http://lsr.dsi.unimi.it/LSR/Item?id=371
> does not seem to do the job. with v2.18 :
> In fact, looks likes it did not the job with v.2.14 either.

It compiles with 2.14.2. So it might be overlooked last time

> Any idea ?

The following seems to work:

\version "2.18.0"

\paper { ragged-last-bottom = ##f }

\layout {
  \context {
    \override StaffGrouper.staff-staff-spacing.stretchability = #100

m = { c d e f }

\new StaffGroup
    \new Staff { \m \break \m \break \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m \m }
    \new Staff { \m }
    \new Staff { \m }
    \new Staff { \m }
    \new Staff { \m }

Btw, the last time someone tried to use 'max-stretch was years ago.
A quick search through our code base offered no use-case either.
I'll repeat it more thoroughly.
Though, if without result, it might be worth deleting it completely.


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