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Re: [Bug] LilyPond Crash (return code -1073741819) - reproduceable?

From: James
Subject: Re: [Bug] LilyPond Crash (return code -1073741819) - reproduceable?
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 20:05:47 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.5.0

On 25/05/14 10:09, Jakob Schöttl wrote:
> Sorry for that mess..
> Am 25.05.2014 08:06, schrieb James:
>> Jakob
>> Don't forget to include the bug list
>> That error code is a general Windows return code. (0xc0000005) so it
>> doesn't really give anything much to work with except that it looks
>> like Guile is the problem :)
>> ...
>> On 25/05/14 01:31, Jakob Schöttl wrote:
>>>> Do you get anything useful if you don't use Frescobaldi and just
>>>> use the lilypond command line but with the verbose option?
>>>> i.e. lilypond --verbose --pdf Eigenes.ly
>>> ... | grep -i segment
>>> gives this (maybe interesting?):
>>> GUILE_INIT_SEGMENT_SIZE_1 wird auf 10485760 gesetzt
>>> GUILE_MAX_SEGMENT_SIZE wird auf 104857600 gesetzt
>>> ("Setting constant to value")
>>> Full output see below.
>>>> If you say that you can "remove a note" and it works (really? just
>>>> *any* note?) then what about adding a note or measure?
>>> The problem started with the leading "r2." in the music expressions
>>> upper and lower.
>>> But with this "r2.":
>>> Removing the last three lines or the first ten lines of the music
>>> expression mandolin -> LilyPond runs, no crash.
>>> Removing only single notes inbetween -> Measure check fail, then
>>> LilyPond crashes.
>>> Adding notes (anywhere) -> LilyPond crashes.
>>>> It could be memory related - using some excessive NPP for instance
>>>> - but it sounds odd that a 'single note' would make that much
>>>> difference.
>> Some things that we might consider - again these are just
>> constructive suggestions than anything that is necessarily
>> technically justified. I looked on my own linux system and found I am
>> not using the latest version of guile (1.8.7) and the current (albeit
>> 3 years old) 1.8.x version is 1.8.8 which contains some fixes that
>> *might* be relevant for 64 bit systems. See:
>> *http://preview.tinyurl.com/guile-news-1-8-8
>> *
> I think it's very hard if not impossible to downgrade only Guile in
> the LilyPond distribution for Windows systems. I have no idea how to
> do this.
> Maybe I will try to find LilyPond for Windows from before 13 Dec. 2010
> (that's the commit date in Guile of the NEWS update to 1.8.8).
>> **Also it would be interesting to know if you are using Win 8.1 or
>> just 8.0 as there have been (AFAIK) a fair few fixes and patches (not
>> least the full SP1) for 8.0 which could be relevant. I am not a
>> programmer so cannot help but someone might be able to see what might
>> be the issue.
> The problem occurs for me on
> Windows 8 Pro (x64)
> Windows 8.1 Pro (x64)
> (both with LilyPond 1.18.2)
>> Finally is it possible to turn off (so to speak) any processes or
>> services that might be using significant memory (I can see for
>> instance that you have SQL installed on this box from the PATH
>> statement and wonder if you are running an SQL database 'instance'
>> (if that is the right word) as that might be using a lot of resources
>> (again forgive me for talking out of ignorance - I work for a
>> software company that often implements an SQL instance locally on the
>> servers we run on and know that this can use significant resources
>> Non and/or Paged Pool which can cause conflicts with other things
>> such as application/service crashes when it hits a tipping point).
> I don't have any server processes running. But I just terminated
> background programs like DropBox and so on.
> Same issue.
> I also have 12 GB memory, theoretically it should be enough ;)
> Thanks, Jakob
> _______________________________________________
> bug-lilypond mailing list
> address@hidden
> https://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond

We have some incomplete data and a few 'WORKSFORME' answers here.

I wonder therefore if we could at least narrow down if the problem
occurs with latest 2.19.x unstable - as there is not likely going to be
any fixes in 2.18.x also if we could get a better idea of those that it
crashes and those that it works for if

1. x86 or x64 WIndows OS - I don't know if LilyPond is a 32bit only
application which would run on an x64 or if there are either/or
versions. That might be siginficant.

2. Which version of Windows.

We seem to have some on Windows 8.0, some on 8.1 and I expect (like me)
some on 7.0 Service Pack whatever is the latest. Again with the 8.x
versions, if they are anything like the windows 2012 server versions I
deal with day to day, there have been a lot of fixes and patches for
these distributions, so I assume they are all patched?

3. Are they also all running in the command line (i.e. we're not getting
some third party in the way - frescobaldi - that is causing this?)
lilypond in verbose mode may help or may show the same symptom.

Finally, because I do lots of troubleshooting for Windows as part of my
job, can we see for those that get the crash if it isn't something like
file names or number of characters of something really funky like that -
we all know how poor the windows 'shell' can be. So what I mean is run
it on a file called something very simple like test.ly with a relatively
short path structure (I don't know how the internals work in LilyPond
but if we are running commands that cause the final output to be a
\really\really\long\path\by\the\time\we\get\to\the\file\name.ly, that
might be something.

We've seen problems running LP calling shared/mounted shares for instance.

Thanks for any more information that anyone can provide.

As a side note, to those that don't know, it is possible to run multiple
version of LilyPond relatively easily on Windows.

Locate your current version's LilyPond directory and rename it, then
when you install another version it will simply create a new LilyPond
directory and run from there. When you want to go back to your older
version, just rename the directories back (call the newer one something
like LilyPond_new and rename the older one back to LilyPond).


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