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Re: Breaking notes up across bar lines when using lyrics

From: David Bellows
Subject: Re: Breaking notes up across bar lines when using lyrics
Date: Sun, 7 Sep 2014 07:45:41 -0700

>However, the attached version of the file using @code{ \new Lyrics
\lyricsto "first" } instead of @code{ \addlyrics } works as expected for
me*. So working around the problem appears to be easy.

Perfect! It now works as expected. Thank you very much!

On Sun, Sep 7, 2014 at 3:45 AM, Simon Albrecht <address@hidden>

>  Looks like it’s worth a bug report and issue tracker, doesn’t it? About
> completion heads engraver and addlyrics being incompatible.
> However, the attached version of the file using @code{ \new Lyrics
> \lyricsto "first" } instead of @code{ \addlyrics } works as expected for
> me*. So working around the problem appears to be easy.
> Yours, Simon
> *(With the small exception that the Completion_rest_engraver places rests
> irrespective of metric structure, which makes it hard to read. But that’s
> another issue)
> Am 04.09.2014 um 22:47 schrieb David Bellows:
> I'm working on a huge project that generates literally tons of scores. I
> have chosen have Lilypond break notes up at bar lines. Even though the
> music isn't actually in 4/4 (or whatever) I think it makes it easier to
> read or look nicer.
>  But when I add lyrics it stops breaking up the notes and everything
> looks funky again.
>  In the following code, if you comment out the \addlyrics bit then it
> works as it should, but if you leave it in then it doesn't. Does anyone
> know of a solution or have any suggestions?
>  \version "2.19.13"
>  \header {
>    title = "Music"
>   composer = "David Bellows"
>   }
>  \language "english"
>  voice_one = {
>  \key c \major
>  \clef "treble"
>  \time 4/4
>  \tempo "Andante" 4 = 90
>  g''8\f d''2 a''4 ds''4 e''16 r1 fs''8\f r4 cs''4\f f''4\bar "|."
> }
>  \score {
>    \new Staff
>  <<
>  \new Voice = "first" \with {\remove"Note_heads_engraver" \consists
> "Completion_heads_engraver" \remove "Rest_engraver" \consists
> "Completion_rest_engraver"}
>  \voice_one
>  \addlyrics {v t θ ʔ t͡ʃ  k  f θ }
> >>
>  \layout {ragged-bottom = ##t ragged-right = ##t \context { \Score
> \override DynamicText.stencil = ##f }}
> }
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